Kirkwood Optimist Club Tree Lot 2024 Wraps Up!
The club members had a blast serving the Kirkwood community with the annual Christmas Tree lot! We appreciate everyone who came out to buy a tree from us - it means a lot that we can help your family celebrate Christmas!

Kirkwood Optimist Club is a proud supporter of the St. Louis BackStoppers

Kirkwood Optimist proud to support the Lab School
April 2024

Donation to Prevent Ed
March 2024
Installation of the 2024-25 Board
The Kirkwood Optimist hosted their annual Installation Dinner at Mike Duffy's in Kirkwood. The outgoing President, Terry Jones, handed over the reins to Jim Baxendale who will serve as President for 2024-25. The following members will serve on the board:
Vice President: Dennis Walsh
Treasurer: Ben Finan
Board Members: Terry Jones, Bill Meyer, Dan Humphrey, and Kirk Hutchinson

Installation of 2023-24 President, Terry Jones

The club presented the Archie Award to Bill Meyer for his time and dedication to the club over the years. Bill is always there to lend a hand when it is needed. He is a true example of an Optimist. 2023-24