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Request a Donation

Organization Name*

Contact Name*



Email Address*

Club Member Sponsoring Request (if applicable)

If not sponsored by a club member, how were you referred to the Kirkwood Optimist Club?*

Describe your organization, its mission, sources of funds, and individuals and groups that benefit from your support and services. Please be specific.*

What are the funds being used for? Be specific.*

Are you willing to attend an Optimist Club meeting to tell us about your organization and collect the donation, if approved?*

Our club makes sponsored donations to local youth organizations, community sports teams, and charities associated with supporting the needs of youth in our community. 

Our club members recommend these organizations as candidates for donations, which requires approval from our executive board.

If you would like to be considered for an upcoming donation, please fill out this form. Please note that our executive board reviews donation requests on a quarterly basis.

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